
Marsyada's Water Trapping Lure Kit 300 400 401 Trapping Supplies K-53

$ 15.84

  • Brand: Marsyada's
  • Type: Trapping Bait


Marsyada's Water Trapping Lure Kit 300 400 401 - 1 Ounce Bottles #400 Mink Gland Lure Strong calling powers. Equally effective for land and water sets. Effective on all meat eaters. 300 Muskrat Food and Call Lure Marsyada's Muskrat Food & Call Lure is a powerful sweet odor that 'rats really go for. Food odors and 'rat musk complement each other. Put up in a water resistant, liquid base. #401 Mink Lure Supreme A thick potent scent extremely effective for mink, otter, 'cats and fox.